The Pattern Challenge by Mel
Surface Designer Mélanie Johnson founded a design challenge she called #thepatternchallengebymel. Illustrators & designers are invited to participate by creating patterns inspired by provided prompts. The patterns below, I made inspired by the prompts from the Summer Edition of #thepatternchallengebymel 2021!
Prompt 1: Sun
Prompt 2: Spark
Prompt 3: Ocean
Prompt 4: Flowers
Prompt 5: Ice Cream
Prompt 6: Under Water
Prompt 7: Flow
Prompt 8: Cocktails
Prompt 9: Sunglasses
Prompt 10: Sweet
Prompt 11: Dogs
Prompt 12: Island
Prompt 13: Joy
Prompt 14: Cool
Prompt 15: Renewal
Prompt 16: Sunset